The cleaning involved in the process of industrial production belongs to the category of industrial cleaning. Food industry. Textile industry. Paper industry. Printing industry. Petroleum processing industry. Transportation industry, electric power industry, metal processing industry, machinery industry, automobile manufacturing, instrumentation, electronic industry, posts and telecommunications, household appliances and medical instruments. Optical products, military equipment, aerospace, atomic energy industry are widely used in cleaning technology.
Industrial cleaning can be classified in the following three ways:
According to the different requirements of cleaning accuracy, it is mainly divided into three categories: general industrial cleaning, precision industrial cleaning and ultra precision industrial cleaning. General industrial cleaning includes the cleaning of the surface of vehicles, ships and airplanes, which can only remove relatively coarse dirt; Precision industrial cleaning includes the cleaning of various products in the process of production, the cleaning of various materials and equipment surface, etc., which is characterized by the ability to remove tiny dirt particles; Ultra precision cleaning includes the ultra precision cleaning of mechanical parts, electronic components, optical components, etc. in the process of precision industrial production, in order to remove very small dirt particles.
According to the different cleaning methods, it can also be divided into physical cleaning and chemical cleaning: the use of mechanical, acoustic, optical, electrical, thermal principles, relying on the role of external energy, such as mechanical friction, ultrasonic, negative pressure, high pressure. Ultraviolet, steam and other methods to remove surface dirt are called physical cleaning; Depending on the action of chemical reaction, the method of using chemicals or other solvents to remove the dirt on the surface of objects is called chemical cleaning. For example, various inorganic or organic acids are used to remove the rust and scale on the surface of objects, oxidants are used to remove the color spots on the surface of objects, and bactericides are used. Physical cleaning and chemical cleaning have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they are complementary. In the process of practical application, the two are usually combined to obtain better cleaning effect.
According to the different cleaning media, it can be divided into wet cleaning and dry cleaning: generally, the cleaning in liquid medium is called wet cleaning, and the cleaning in gas medium is called dry cleaning. The traditional cleaning method is mostly wet cleaning, and the dry cleaning which is easy to understand is vacuum cleaner, Dry cleaning is developing rapidly, such as laser cleaning, ultraviolet cleaning, plasma cleaning, dry ice cleaning, vacuum cleaning, etc. In particular, the introduction of hydrocarbon vacuum cleaning technology has formed the main cleaning trend of precision hardware parts, which is the best process route to replace ODS.
In recent years, new technologies have been used in cleaning technology. For example, with the development of biotechnology, more and more enzymes and microorganisms are used in cleaning technology. It uses biochemical reactions; In the process of air purification and water treatment, the use of activated carbon is becoming more and more popular, This is the use of adsorption. In addition, there are electrolytic cleaning, etc. Therefore, cleaning can be simply divided into several categories. It can not fully cover the current situation of the rapid development of cleaning technology. The status quo of China's cleaning industry, new factories and production lines are being built everywhere in China. It is gradually becoming a "world processing plant". There is a huge market demand for industrial cleaning equipment manufacturing Business and professional detergent production suppliers provide a good opportunity for rapid development.
At present, there are more than 1000 enterprises engaged in the production and operation of various cleaning equipment, among which the ultrasonic cleaning machine manufacturers have developed from several in the early 1990s to more than 200 now; There are more than 1000 cleaning agent manufacturers and distributors, forming a huge industry, In 1992, the former State Environmental Protection Bureau {now state environmental protection administration} organized Peking University and other units to prepare the national plan for the phase out of ozone depleting substances in China}. According to the division of labor of the State Council, the former Ministry of electronic industry (now Ministry of information industry) is responsible for the cleaning industry. Since 1992, some of them have been engaged in cleaning equipment and cleaning agents, On May 17, 1994, China Cleaning Engineering Technology Cooperation Association was officially approved by the state and registered with the Ministry of civil affairs.
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